Friday, October 5, 2007


Just a quick drop in to let you know that my Mother came through her second surgery well. She is basically cut from the back of one arm across the front to the back of the other arm. She looks like you could just lift off the top of her body. He had to reopen the first incision because of a bit of infection. So she doesn't have a "good side" this time. But is holding up well.

Daddy is doing better. Still has to watch everything he eats. But improvement is good.

Thanks to all for your well wishes in the comments.

Hopefully things will settle down soon, and I can be more regular blogging. I have gotten to get a fair bit of sock knitting down, sitting at the hospital and at my Mother's.

Chat later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear that the second surgery went well.