Sorry for the delay in posting, BUT Blogger has been being a pain and not letting me in!!! It is hard to update when you can't get logged in. Now, you know, I know my password, since I got in today!!! ;-(
Anyway, to the fun stuff. My wedding anniversary was yesterday. We have been married for 18 years. Neither of us can believe it. We went out to dinner Friday night because we didn't want to fight the Mother's Day crowd on Sunday. Had a fabulous dinner at Kincaids. A bit pricey, but we don't go but about once every two years. But it was so good, I bet we don't wait that long again.
Yesterday was also the 17 month anniversary of my weight loss surgery. I was happy when I weighed and the pound I had gained last month was gone!!!! I continue to loss inches (though slowly now) so think it is muscle gain that is keeping me from lossing weight.
I finished the Civil War Shawl. I love it. It has even crossed my mind to do a second one. I will wait a little while, the urge will pass since I have so many projects on the "To Do" list. I figure it took one quarter of the time to do the center and three quarters of the time to do the border. I will try to get my husband to get a picture of it that I can post. Since I have failed miserably on the picture front.
The crocheted ripple afghan is coming slowly. I have been devoting all my time to the Civil War Shawl.
I finished the underskirt of the Sasha skirt in Euroflax. Now I am working on the lace ruffles. I hope it is cute on my body.
Have been keeping up with my exercise quite well. I am proud of myself. But I really want to keep this weight off.
This weekend I have a quilting retreat on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I have to figure out what I am taking to work on. Last time I hand quilted the whole time. Maybe I will do that again, since I have quilted since I got home. I am really looking forward to the weekend. It is such a great group of ladies to spend time with. We don't get to see each other nearly as often as we used to.
I am almost finished reading "Perfect Match" by Jodi Picoult. This is very good. Deals with child molestation and how a mother deals with it. There are some tough parts, but it is excellent.
Yes, I am going through Jodi Picoults library. I love her stuff. I just finished "Ten Circles". It was very good, but my least favorite of hers to date. Next I think I will read something by someone else. I need something more in the beach read category. You know, no socially redeeming value to the content!!! Maybe even a little trashy.
Hopefully I will get another post in before I leave on Friday, if not, I'll give an update on the weekend when I get back. Hopefully Blogger will let me in.
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